About The Knitting Tutor
About Stacey Lewis, The Knitting Tutor

I design knitter friendly patterns and teach one-on-one knitting lessons. My goal is to offer a wide range of designs that provide beginner-level experience with new techniques. Cables, lace, stranded knitting, interesting cast ons and bind offs, various styles of sock construction – I aim to cover it all.
It is such a delight when I receive feedback that one of my patterns prompted a knitter to stretch their wings, try something new and ultimately have success. But, of course, seasoned knitters are also welcome! I hope they find my patterns aesthetically appealing and a relaxing pleasure to knit.
Because my patterns are created as teaching tools, they are ideally suited for use in workshops and LYS knitting classes. Please honor my copyright by remembering that every student must purchase their own copy of the pattern. I’m happy to chat with you about wholesale pricing for your workshop or class.
I invite you to join my Ravelry group The Knitting Tutor. You can find information about the latest test knits and I have a page with links to video tutorials for the techniques used in my designs.
Find me on Instagram: @theknittingtutor or @fiveoaks66 (personal)
All of my patterns have been professionally tech edited and test knit. If you find a mistake, need pattern support, or are interested in private knitting lessons please write to info@theknittingtutor.net.
Sign up for one-on-one assistance with your knitting project at theknittingtutor.net
A note to LYS staff and yarn dyers- I am delighted to offer a free copy of any of my patterns to use as a shop or booth sample. Please message me if you see a pattern that you like!